Saffron Walden Baptist Church is a community of around 60 people in a beautiful small town in rural north Essex. John Goddard, the Minister at Saffron Walden, arrived in 2013.
The present building dates from 1879, and was modernised about 20 years ago. This community resource is being well-used post-Covid. People of all ages meet for activities from Pilates to a mental health ‘drop in’ and children’s music and dance groups – all of life is here!
Boys’ Brigade has been part of the long-term mission and ministry of SWBC. God is blessing the faithfulness of the BB as they have emerged from Covid stronger than ever and it is especially encouraging to see the older groups thriving.
SWBC is a friendly and informal fellowship. Sunday worship is led either by an excellent worship group or video based worship resources. The Church has a YouTube Channel and services are live streamed.
One sadness has been the loss of children and young families on a Sunday morning, but they are hopeful that a new Messy Church (working with friends at the URC) will help them to reconnect.
Recently SWBC began a Warm Welcome session on Friday mornings. Alongside this they are working with a community group to offer a Foodshare project. This distributes good quality but short-life produce, saving it from landfill.
SWBC’s prayer for 2023 is a prayer associated with Brendan the Navigator, a 5th century Irish monk who had a vivid imagination for what God might lead people into…
Help me to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown.
Give me the faith to leave the old ways and break fresh ground with you.
Christ of the mysteries, I trust you to be stronger than each storm within me.
I will trust in the darkness and know that my times, even now, are in your hand.
Tune my spirit to the music of heaven, and somehow make my obedience count for you. Amen
For Prayer
15th September 2024
8th September 2024
1st September 2024