Providing a safe environment for all who are part of our churches is a vital part of how we work within EBA. We offer regular training events across the Association, details can be found here. If there is not an event planned near you in the near future please contact EBA Secretary and we will do our best to offer the training you need.
In addition to training there is a comprehensive collection of forms, model procedures, policies and service ideas available on the Baptists Together website. This includes advice about applying for DBS checks and an excellent series of Guides on a range of specific safeguarding issues.
The association has a Safeguarding Lead who is available to guide and support churches when dealing with safeguarding concerns, queries, reports and contracts. Gillian Jones can be contacted on or by phone on 07729 688791.
The role of Designated Person for Safeguarding is considered to be a key appointment in your church helpful guides and resources can be found on the Baptists Together website.