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Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding Training

We take the wellbeing of all who are part of our church communities very seriously. In order to support churches in providing a safe environment we offer training at three levels:

Level 1 – a video that is intended to be shown in church services and Church Meetings. Alongside the video there are resources that can be used in children / youth groups. You can download these resources from the Baptists Together website here.

Level 2 – This training uses the Baptists Together material Excellence in Safeguarding and covers work with children, young people and adults at risk. All who work with children, young people and adults at risk should attend Level 2 training as well as Ministers, Deacons / Leadership Teams / Trustees, and the Designated Person for Safeguarding. When appointing new team members they should be given a copy of the Gateway to Level 2 Excellence in Safeguarding document and asked to complete it to cover the period before they are able to attend the training. Details of training events can be found here.

Level 3 – Building on Level 2 Excellence in Safeguarding training, Level 3 is for the Minister, Deacons/Trustees, the designated person for safeguarding and anyone involved in the recruitment of paid staff or volunteers who will be working with children, young people and adults at risk. It includes more information about spiritual abuse and provides further advice with what to do if a disclosure is made, or if you discover that abuse of any kind has or is taking place. Level 3 follows on from level 2 and it is strongly advised that you attend level 2 before attending level 3.

Details of training events can be found below

The role of Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS) within a church is considered to be really important. Baptists Together have put together resources to support any one taking on this role. These resources can be found here

Training Dates

The training will be offered at both level 2 and Level 3 with some dates offering both.

  • Level 2 is designed for the minister, deacons/trustees, the designated person for safeguarding and all those who work with children, young people and adults.
  • Level 3 is designed for all church leaders including the minister, deacons/trustees, and the designated person for safeguarding. Level 3 training is designed to follow on from Level 2 and you should attend the Level 2 Course before accessing Level 3.

Both courses are bespoke for working in Baptist Churches so even if your workers have attended safeguarding training through a place of work or other volunteer role then we would still encourage them to attend this course.

Bookings can be made with EBA Secretary via email
Places are charged at £10 per person per level, payment is made via BACS following an invoice sent to the church.

Level 2 Only (level 2 9.30am-12.30pm)

8 March Dereham 

Level 2 and Level 3
(level 2 9.30am-12.30pm) (level 3 1.30pm-4.30pm) Drinks provided BYO lunch

Fully Booked 8 February Orchard, Colchester
8 March, Socketts Heath, Grays
10 May, Leigh Road, Leigh on Sea
7 June, Potter Street, Harlow
27 September Godmanchester