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About EBA

The Eastern Baptist Association is a family of Baptist Churches situated throughout Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex.

Our vision is 

“Growing healthy churches in relationship for God’s mission in the East of England.” 

Our strategy was reviewed and updated in 2019  which list 8 areas of focus for the Association. These areas are;

Growing Godly leaders

Encouraging healthy churches

Stewarding shared resources

Facilitating fruitful partnerships

Enabling relevant training

Sharing inspirational ideas

Offering apostolic leadership

Advocating transformational justice

Download the full strategy document (our resources page is split into these sections with helpful resources under each heading)

Our fellowship together is so that we can encourage and resource one another for the work of mission, both for each church in its local context, and in things we might do together.

Every Church contributes to our wider mission in their own unique way by taking part in enriching relationships, developing ministry and enabling fruitful mission in its own area.