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EBA Council

The Eastern Baptist Association is foremost an association of churches. It is also a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. The council fulfil the role of Trustees of the charity and Directors of the company and are responsible for ensuring that the association pursues its aims in a responsible way and in accordance with charity and company law.

The council reviewed its function and make up in 2018/19 this document explains a little bit of the structure and the way forward.

Council Members

Area of ResponsibilityNameChurch
Finance and AdminRevd Adrian WardSouth Woodham
Healthy ChurchesRevd Sean FountainBrentwood
JusticeRevd Alan BrandRENEW
MinistryRevd John GoddardSaffron Walden
Moderator Revd Lou WebberLondon Road, Lowestoft
TreasurerMr Richard LewisMaldon
Regional Minister Team LeaderRevd David Mayne
Co-optionRevd Sandra CrawfordPioneer
Co-optionRevd Paul SmithWymondham
Co-optionMr Binny JaichanderBraintree
Secretary (In attendance)Mrs Hayley BeckettGodmanchester

All other Regional Ministers are invited to attend Council Meetings but have no voting rights

Baptist Union Council

EBA council appoints representatives from the EBA to sit on Baptist Union Council. These are usually the Team Leader, the Moderator and one other ideally meets the diversity criteria as agreed by Bu Council.

The current EBA representatives are:

Revd Lou Webber
Revd David Mayne
Revd Claire Blatchford