Rushmere St Andrew is a village on the eastern edge of Ipswich and Rushmere Baptist Church is a community-minded church at the heart of the village. The church recently ordained and inducted as Minister the Rev’d Hazel Hunting, who was Minister in Training under the previous ministry.
There is a video which accompanies this at
Since the pandemic, the church has resumed its community-based activities and continues its vision to be a hub for the village, working with the other local churches, local organisations and the Parish Council to serve the needs of the community. It has a range of activities, reflecting the age range of the church, from a baby and toddler group (Ducklings), through children and young people’s activities, to a friendship club and a lunch club for older people. The church has grown significantly in recent years and the buildings are heavily used, so there is pressure on space even though the premises were reconfigured a few years ago.
Rushmere is a rural area and the church has been conscious of the local environment and has started to explore ways in which the church has a minimal impact upon the environment and a significant impact on mission. This has included a regular litter-pick around the village and the development of Wild Worship, their expression of Forest Church, around the village pond which is close to the church.
Prayer Points
9th February 2025
2nd February 2025
26th January 2025