Comberton is a small village about five miles west of Cambridge where there has been a Baptist Church since 1868. For the last ten years Rev Keith Tarring has been the minister at Comberton Baptist church.
On Sundays between 60-70 people from the local area gather together for worship with separate activities for children and young people. During the week there is a full programme of activities including a Community Hub, a Toddlers Group, meetings for seniors, and a well-attended Community Youth Club. The church also works closely with WCCYM – West Cambridge Christian Youth Ministries – helping to provide a wide range of activities for young people across a number of churches in the area.
There is a lot of new housing development around the village. Since covid there has been an increase in church members who have settled in the area from Hong Kong bringing an added dimension to the fellowship.
At the start of the summer there was a successful children’s Holiday Club. At the end of August there is a whole day event for older people – Oasis Holiday Club. Oasis Teas is a monthly group for seniors run jointly with the local Anglican Church and includes a tea and short service.
Items for prayer:
* For the work with young people and developing their trust and building on the reputation of the work in the village.
* For the Children’s Holiday Club and Oasis Holiday Club over the summer and the follow up with all those who attend.
* For the leadership and deacons as they seek God’s leading for the future.
* For the ongoing mission of the church and the long-term plans for the building in the future.
9th February 2025
2nd February 2025
26th January 2025