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Home » Weekly Church Prayer Focuses » Colchester Road, Ipswich

Weekly Prayer Focus: Colchester Road, Ipswich

Week 34

Located in the north-east suburbs of Ipswich, CRBC is a large and growing church based in modern premises. The leadership team consists of Rev Jerry Brown as Lead Minister (who has just celebrated ten years at the church) and Associate Minister Rev Andy Fitzgerald.

The church has a big programme of regular activities for children, young people, young adults, families, seniors and other groups throughout the week and on Sundays. Over the summer there are special kids events and a youth camp as well.

In October there is another Alpha course starting in The Royal George — the local pub.  And a baptismal service is already planned for September.

CRBC is outwardly focussed with a vision that everything they do is either a gateway or pathway to Jesus and every one of them seeks to be a gateway or pathway to Jesus. The church continues to reach out to the community in different ways.  The church has built a relationship with the Council’s temporary housing unit and provides a Renew well-being café for these people and a monthly Sunday lunch.  The church is moving beyond social action and seeks to make disciples who know the love of Jesus for themselves.

There are ongoing challenges of staying engaged with lots of new people and making them feel involved as a valued part of the fellowship, helping them find out where they fit into church family life and then release, empower and help them to fully play their part.

Items for prayer:

* That the church will continue to reach out to the community in new and relevant ways.

* That more people will become followers of Jesus.

* That the church will welcome and assimilate those who become part of the fellowship.

* For all those who lead and all the activities and outreach taking place.

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