Cherry Hinton is a suburb in the south east area of the city of Cambridge. Cherry Hinton Baptist Church is made up of 40 formal members, led by Pastor Rev Nic Boyns, Minister in Training Chris Tanton and part-time Community Worker Wendy Hart.
On Sundays around 70 people meet for gathered worship in the church building, with some joining on zoom, and two Value Builders groups for children. There are regular house groups and church socials (e.g. meals, walks, quizzes and barn dances) as well an annual church weekend away to Sizewell Hall in Suffolk in October.
Around 170 people attend community activities throughout the week which include Community Choir, Messy Play for pre-school children and their carers, Friday Friends and Grace Cafe for senior citizens and an open Youth Group.
The church also hosts the Refugee’s Aid Bank, and supports the local Food Hub.
Each month the pastor takes assemblies in four local schools, in one of which the church hosts a 190 place summer Holiday Bible Club.
The requests for prayer from the church are:
8th December 2024
1st December 2024
17th November 2024