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Weekly Prayer Focus: Chaplin Road Baptist Church, Dagenham

Week 33

On the boundary between the Eastern Baptist Association and the London Baptist Association stands Dagenham.  Until the 1920’s Dagenham consisted of many small holdings and farms until it was decided to build a vast new Council Housing Estate – the biggest in Europe at that time. From 1931 to 2002 Dagenham was known as the home of the Ford Factory which produced many iconic models of motorcars.

The Baptist Church at Chaplin Road was founded in 1927: it was the first of four Baptist churches in Dagenham.  Since its foundation, the Church has sought to be a blessing to the community of Dagenham.   Over the years that community has changed considerably and this has brought a vibrancy and mix of approaches to worship and church life.   The fellowship is in good heart and has a positive outlook for the future.

The Church is led by its Pastor Rev Brenda Toft.  Brenda has been a member of Chaplin Road for 48 years, and the Pastor for 24 years.  Brenda is Dagenham born and bred!  She is supported and helped by an active Diaconate.

The Church meets for worship weekly on Sunday mornings and monthly in the evening.  With an online evening Bible Study, and face-to-face gathering during the morning once a month, along with a Girls’ Brigade Company, a Youth Club, a Saturday Club for 4-10 year old boys and girls, along with an over 50’s group called “Pearls of Wisdom” and Quarterly Men’s Breakfast Group,  Chaplin Road is a very busy Church fellowship.

Last June the fellowship celebrated the opening of their new Church entrance area.

For Prayer:

  • For the future ministry of the Church
  • For more of our young people to be baptised and come into membership.
  • Those seeking asylum.
  • Those who faithfully make things work week by week.

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