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AGM 2024 Summary

By Hayley Beckett on 2nd October 2024

AGM Summary 2024

Tuesday 24 September members of EBA churches gathered together for the EBA discussion and information afternoon and AGM.

The first part of the afternoon Claire Blatchford, EBA Regional Minister talked about Project Violet focusing on the recommendations for churches and reminded people that they have the opportunity to commit to recommendations on behalf of their church, even if they couldn’t respond by the deadline the church can still commit to the recommendations.

Discussion were had in groups sharing thoughts on the project violet findings and how we can make a difference in the future.

Claire then shared the outcome of the EBA Trustees discussion around the recommendations for change for associations.

More details about project Violet can be found here


David Mayne, EBA Regional Minister Team Leader, introduced details around the Baptist Union Financial Model Review, the review has been taking place for a while and changes are coming to tackle the decreasing income. Further details about the Financial Model Review can be found in the BU Council report from June 2024


David then introduced a three-part proposal that will go out to churches and ministers over the coming months with a focus on adapting to our changing landscape and developing our associating together.

The first part of the plan would be to introduce regional Areas/Districts – groups of 12 or so churches that associate geographically together.  Each Area would have its own pattern of meeting and way of working, but it is hoped that each Area would work to support their churches and ministries as needs arise, such as supporting during a pastoral vacancy or working together to launch a new pioneering venture.  Area Ministers from within that location would be appointed to help co-ordinate and provide care and support, including welcoming new ministers, providing an opportunity for people to use their gifts trans-locally.

The second strand is to continue to build on context specific networks across the whole Association, such as Pioneers, Chaplains, small churches, Parish Nurses etc.  There are some good examples of this happening already, but we believe there is more we can do to help resource and encourage one another.

Finally, it will be proposed that we establish an EBA Council of Reference, with people being drawn from each of the newly created Areas to form this group that will input into some of the significant discussions across our region, focused on how we can best further the work of the Kingdom across our four counties.

There is much work to be done on the specifics of each of these areas of work, but we believe these ideas will help with many of the challenges we are hearing about as we travel around the Association.  We look forward to further conversations with everyone over the coming months.


At 3.15pm the formal AGM began with Andrew Wade, EBA Moderator presenting the EBA Trustee annual report before handing over to Richard Lewis, EBA Treasurer to present the 2023 annual accounts, the accounts show that EBA is currently running a deficit budget and drawing in their reserves to meet this. The Trustee annual report and accounts are available on the EBA website

Andrew welcomed all  ministers who have settled  into EBA churches over the last 12 months and gave thanks to those who had retired during the same period. Andrew ten welcomed Pathfinder Church, Northstowe officially into membership and presented Revd Beth Cope with a membership certificate and invited Beth to share a little bit about the church and current prayer needs.

The final agenda item was the election of the EBA Moderator, EBA Trustees had met with one candidate following advertising the role and bring a unanimous nomination to the members for consideration. Information about the process and a Bio of Lou Webber had been circulated to all churches at the beginning of September.

Those present unanimously elected Lou Webber to the role of EBA Moderator.

Lou was invited to close the meeting. The meeting closed in prayer.

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