It is so encouraging to know that we can broadcast our services and other Christian content to those who may be unlikely to come into a church building and it is really encouraging that many churches are livestreaming to try to achieve this. If you have tried livestreaming, how are you finding it? Are you loving it or are you at the point where you would like to consider other options?
In this webinar we will explore the pros and cons of live streaming and provide some questions to help churches evaluate if livestreaming is the right approach for them in engaging with the online world. We will consider who our intended audience is, reflect on how people consume content on YouTube and also think about the nature of what we believe church gatherings are.
You can attend the webinar live on Tuesday 8th February at either 2pm or 7.30pm. The presentation will be also available to watch afterwards on the EBA YouTube channel.
If you have tried an alternative approach to livestreaming and you would be happy for us to share about this in the webinar, then do get in touch.
There is no need to book places, but it will help us with our planning if you are able to let us know if you are planning to attend. To do this, or if you have any other questions then get in touch Graeme Ross
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 824 2222 0256
Date / Time: 8th February, 2022 2:00pmAddress: