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Growing Godly leaders

Care of Ministers

Newly Accredited Ministers

Called to Ministry: 

Network and support for Spouses in Baptist Mission, Ministry, Training and Retirement

Stewarding shared resources

Enabling relevant training

Offering apostolic leadership

By ‘apostolic’ we mean the kind of provocative, visionary and trans-local leadership exercised by the apostles in the New Testament speaking with a prophetic edge. When Regional Ministers visit churches we will seek to listen to what God is saying and reflect this back to the churches. We will be proactive in contacting churches to arrange visits. We will seek to initiate missional conversations in local churches or groups of churches and encourage new pioneering mission to take place seeking more than incremental change in the life, mission and growth of the churches in the Association.

Where needed we will offer conflict resolution (including using trained local Ministers), mission consultancy and audits – seeking to enable churches to become healthier and more effective in their mission and ministry.

Encouraging healthy churches

Facilitating fruitful partnerships

Sharing inspirational ideas

We share these stories and ideas when Regional Ministers visit churches, through the EBA website and emails, and through the communication channels of the Association. We will use a wide variety of communication methods.

We will continue to find out about, listen to, learn from and share what God is doing in the different churches within the Association.


Advocating Transformation Justice

We will seek to ensure that in all areas of our work we will act in just ways that do not marginalise, denigrate or devalue anyone. We will campaign and fight against injustice and discrimination wherever we see it. Following Jesus who included those who were pushed out from mainstream society because they were deemed ‘unclean’ we resolve to ensure that nobody is excluded from our churches on the basis of difference.

We will seek to ensure equality of opportunity and access in all our activities. We will promote the work of JPIT (Joint public issues team) and the work of the Justice Hubs of BUGB

Joint Public Issues

Through Together Free we will raise awareness of and campaign and act against the evil of modern slavery. Explore Together Free’s Guide to Modern Slavery and Safeguarding. With case studies and resources this safeguarding guide is for community and faith groups

Through the Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN) we will share information to churches as they explore or implement aspects of creation care in their services and activities. 


Members of National Disability Justice Hub have written on different areas of their work for the Baptist Ministers’ Journal. These articles can be found here

The hub have also created resources to help churches engage with disability, church and faith.  By providing a short written piece and discussion questions for churches/small groups to consider. DJBlogs can be found here


A set of four short videos produced for Black History Month 2020  

A useful article written recently can be found here 


There is realisation that we need to listen to each other. The Baptist Union Faith and society team have gathered together resources from a variety of perspectives for churches to use and reflect upon. These can be found on the listening pages of the Baptists together website 

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