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Who is in control? (5 January)

The thought this week was written by Beth Powney, EBA Regional Minister

As 2022 begins in earnest, I recall that in one of my advent devotions I read the phrase ‘being subject to the notion of Christmas control’!  This was describing our need to control all aspects of our life in the run up to Christmas in order to make things perfect.  This may be perfect decorations, perfect Christmas dinner, the perfect present, the perfect carol service, the perfect family, even perfect weather and this myth is perpetuated all over our media.  Of course we all know that the reality is far from perfect and now as we are the other side of Christmas, perhaps you are agreeing – it was far from perfect or just breathing a sigh of relief that it’s all over.  Perhaps it was wonderful for you and I don’t want to spoil your truly happy memories.

This made me think, that perhaps we do the same thing at New year, is there a sense of ‘New Year control’?  If I can just start this year in a better way, sort out my diet and exercise, re boot my prayer life, resolve to make family a priority, lead my church more creatively and be more inspirational, then I will get through 2022 in a better way.  All of the time of course, knowing deep inside that we actually have no control over many things.  We are still subject to COVD restrictions, we will still experience family fall out and loss, we will still have those difficult church meetings.  But somehow we come to a new year and think, if only I can control…..this, this and this…what a difference that will make.

The truth is that it is by relinquishing control, that we stand any chance of navigating this year better that we navigated last year.  Return to the Christmas narrative again, for a moment.  Mary let go of control – ‘I am the Lord’s servant’, Joseph relinquished control of the perfect wife and the perfect village life, the wise men, saw a sign bigger than they were and left everything to follow it, not knowing what would be at the end of their journey.

So perhaps at this time as we journey with wise men, what do we need to let go of in order to follow the star that leads us to Jesus?  While we are on this journey with them, we are also in the time between Christmas and Easter, which I believe should make us turn our eyes from the baby to the cross.  The star may have led the wise men to the baby, however in turn it leads us to the cross.  The ultimate example of relinquishing control.

So are you in danger of falling into ‘New Year control’?

What may God be asking you to relinquish at the start of 2022?

How will you be following the star of Jesus in a new way as you also journey to the cross of Jesus?

A short video prayer/blessing for churches at the start this new year

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