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Home » Thoughts for the Week » God is with us but are we with him? (1 July)

God is with us but are we with him? (1 July)

This week our thought has been written by Graeme Ross

Over the years, I’ve heard many people say that ‘God is with us’, but I’ve rarely heard anyone ask, ‘are we are with Him?’

Several weeks ago, I was really struggling and as I looked out the window, I noticed something that now gives me a daily reminder that God is with me. I have made this short 3 minute video that tells the story (As with all the EBA videos on our YouTube channel, you are welcome to use them in your own services or to share them in any way).

Knowing that God is with me is such a comfort and a blessing.

If I am honest, I really struggle with is the use of the phrase ‘coming into God’s presence’ at the start of our acts of worship. If we believe that God is with us always, is this phrase helpful? When we use it, are we unintentionally teaching people that God is only really there when we gather to worship? (I think what we are really trying to say is that we are going to more consciously be with and focus on God as we worship but I’m just not sure if that’s what comes across). Would our gatherings for worship be different in other ways if we consciously moved away from an Old Testament model to a New Testament one?

Have you ever been with someone and they seem distant? Has anyone said to you ‘it feels like you are somewhere else’? We all know that it’s possible to be right next to someone but not really with them at all because our or their mind is elsewhere. Is that what our relationship with God is sometimes/often/always* like? (*delete as appropriate)

God is with us but are we with him?

God is always with us but are we paying attention?

Many of us are wrestling with the issues around whether to reopen church buildings or not. As we read guidance documents and talk about the details, it’s easy to lose sight of God.

Does God ever sit in our church meetings thinking ‘it would be nice if they asked me’?

In our discussions over the legalities and risk assessments, have we stopped to ask whether opening our buildings up will help us to love our neighbour more? How about whether it will help us to make disciples more effectively with the restrictions that will be in place regarding social distancing? Will it be a help or a hindrance to sharing the good news? What does God have to say to the church you serve about your use of buildings at this time?


Are we with God?

My desire is to look to, talk with and connect with God more consistently each day. How about you?

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