This week’s thought has been written by Sandra Crawford, Pioneer minister in Jaywick and EBA Trustee
Bath Bombs
When I left my last church a lady who was new to the church and to faith shared a picture with me that she believed God had given her, it was a picture of a bath bomb fizzing and spinning in water, changing the colour, changing the fragrance in the bathroom, and making the water feel softer. She said to me wherever you go you bring energy and excitement, you change the atmosphere. What a lovely affirming picture.
What she didn’t know was that having a long hot soak in a bath is one of my treats, one of the ways I relax, and I am a bit of an expert when it comes to bath bombs. There are cheap ones from pound shops and more expensive ones. Lush bath bombs are by far the best, but cost about £5 each, so I tend to alternate with cheaper ones. The cheap ones look good and attractive in the shop, but they only fizz a little bit and often leave a sediment at the bottom of the bath, they don’t smell as good and they don’t change the feel of the water. Lush bath bombs however are a whole different level, they fizz for ages, have various colours, they smell heavenly, and sometimes there’s rose petals in the middle which float on the surface of the water when the fizzing has stopped.
It got me thinking about the fragrance we give off as disciples of Jesus, how do we change the atmosphere around us? Do we look the part but when put into hot water we just fizz a bit and then sink? Or are we bringers of hope, peace, joy, and love to those around us? Do we make a difference for a short time or are we in it for the long haul?
Prayer: Jesus help me today to change the atmosphere wherever I go, to bring out the God colours, to be a peacemaker, to bring joy, to be a hope giver and leave petals of love wherever I go.
2 Corinthians 2:14 Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life.
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