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Weekly Prayer Focus: Southgate Church

Week 09

Southgate Church in Suffolk serves the Nowton Neighbourhood of Bury St Edmunds, an area of mixed housing, local shops and amenities to the south of the town. It is a single congregation Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Church of England, The United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Since the church last featured in EBA Prayer Focus, minister Mike Simm has been appointed.
He is delighted to report that through the prayer, hard work and persistence of dedicated people, the church has seen community involvement flourish.

Mike pays tribute to the church’s Family and Community worker, Alison Burgess, describing her as hard-working and visionary. Alison combines with youth workers from other churches to organise children’s and young people’s events, including Rock Solid, Open The Book, and a midweek lunch schools group. Assemblies are also an important element of the ministry for young people.

The church also runs well-supported midweek groups, including one specifically for ladies, as well as a coffee stop and a friendship club, open to everyone. All of these attract people from outside the church congregation and it is a prayerful aim to see these ministries bear fruit.

Messy Church takes place quarterly.

The church’s current sermon series is focussing on prayer as a priority.

• Give thanks for the centre refurbishment and its continued use as a hub for many activities.
• Please pray for more fruit from the various community events, so that more people may come to accept the gospel message.
• Please pray for the Alpha course which began in the second week of February.
• Give thanks for regular financial giving, but also prayers for an increase, to prevent the church from draining its reserves.


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