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Weekly Prayer Focus: Hospital Chaplaincy

Week 21

There are currently thirteen Baptist ministers serving as Healthcare Chaplains across the EBA in a variety of settings which include Acute and Mental Health trusts.

Our hospitals can care for around 500 up to 1300 inpatients and some of our larger trusts have up to 10,000 staff in various medical professions and support roles.

Chaplains are NHS employees but also require accreditation from their denomination or faith group. There are no typical days in Chaplaincy as every shift is different and brings new challenges but a Chaplain’s role will generally consist of:

·         Staff support

·         End-of-life care

·         Teaching

·         Baptisms, Blessings, Weddings, Funerals and Communion

·         Taking hospital services

·         Support of relatives

·         Involvement in Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT)

·         Overseeing multi faith provision

·         Acting as a facilitator between patients and hospital staff, or family and patient, or family and staff, as required

·         Engaging in regular service audit and appropriate research

Please pray for:

  • The new Healthcare Chaplaincy Standards soon to be release, that they will embed and affirm the contribution Chaplains make and open new doors.
  • Patience and wisdom in seeking to meet the urgent needs of patients and staff, while also caring for ourselves.
  • Our NHS in East Anglia in a time of unprecedented pressure and limited resources.
  • New volunteers to join our Chaplaincy teams post Covid
  • The many supportive conversations happening every moment of every day across our region with patients, families and staff.

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