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Home » Weekly Church Prayer Focuses » Gunton Baptist Church

Weekly Prayer Focus: Gunton Baptist Church

Week 08

Gunton is a suburb of Lowestoft in Suffolk where Gunton Baptist Church is situated on a large estate in a deprived area.

The church has a small and mainly elderly membership and has been without a minister since 2022. There is a leadership team of four deacons. Sunday services are led by one of the deacons, several of the members preach or local lay preachers or sometimes videos are used.

The church has a very busy programme of weekly activities that reach out into the wider community. These include:

  • Create ‘n’ Craft with coffee and craft activities.
  • A very popular Hub café with drink and food served at a low cost. It provides a great opportunity to meet others and build friendships locally.
  • A weekly prayer and Bible study meeting.
  • The Roots Community Clothing Scheme which is like a charity shop and provides clean, good quality clothing and household items for the local community. Any money raised provides equipment for homeless people and those who are moving in to new accommodation.
  • A small foodbank to support the needs in the local community.
  • And Baby Basics which works with midwives, health visitors and other professionals to provide Moses baskets, baby clothes bundles, cots, prams, pushchairs and high chairs to vulnerable mums in and around Lowestoft.

The church has a very practical focus in its outlook and ministry that tries to help those in need in the local area.

Their greatest prayer is for families and children to become part of the church.

Please pray:

  • For new people to join the church and make things grow.
  • For guidance and leading in what God wants the church to do in the future.
  • For fresh ideas and how the church can look for new opportunities.


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