Burwell is a village tucked just inside the Cambridgeshire-Suffolk border to the north-west of Newmarket.
The minister at Burwell Baptist Church is Revd Chris Johnson, supported by a leadership team of elders and deacons. The church continues to offer live-streamed services via Youtube. Small groups meet in person and online during the week.
The fellowship is committed to living out their church mission statement – building a loving, worshipping, learning, evangelistic, and Spirit-filled fellowship – and is responding to God’s call to go out into the community. Their year text is “Let your Light Shine”. A visit from Rev Chris Duffett led to engaging in Spirit-led evangelism.
Last year they appointed a children’s worker who, with the help of Newmarket and District Youth for Christ, has launched a group for 11-13 year olds. Volunteers also run a group for 7-11 year olds.
The church runs Cooking Together@Home which is a food-help scheme for families in the village. This provides a recipe and the ingredients once a month. Alongside this additional food is offered from donations, grants and foodbanks. At Christmas, they worked with other food support groups in the village to provide Christmas meals to families.
The church runs popular family crafts events and, in the darker months, Film Fridays. Volunteers serve refreshments at the monthly Farmers’ Market. They work also closely with the Churches Together group to provide a presence at the village Family Fun Day and the Carnival; produce radio programmes for the local radio station; and jointly lead services for the residents in local sheltered housing.
The Church is active in its support for mission and ministry both locally and overseas.
Prayer points
*Thank God for His blessing on Cooking Together@Home.
*Thank God for the new midweek children’s group for 11-13 year olds.
*Thank God for a strong pastoral visiting network.
*Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to fill the fellowship and release His gifts among them.
*Pray that they would let their light shine.
*Pray for more children and young families to engage as they seek to rebuild Sunday children’s work and other groups.
19th January 2025
12th January 2025
29th December 2024