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Weekly Prayer Focus: Beacon Community Church

Week 48

Beacon Community Church is situated between the villages of Bacton and Walcott on the North East Norfolk Coast.  Planted in 2009, the fellowship meets in the premises of the former Bacton Baptist Church.

Their pastor, Rev Johnathan Squirrel, was called away to develop a new ministry approximately eighteen months ago.  This November, they will also bid farewell to their worship leader.

The leadership team are encouraging the fellowship at Beacon Community Church to be prayerful in seeking God’s direction for the future.  They believe that the future of this community of believers is going to be incredible.  They are holding on to a verse from the book of Joshua, which gives them real hope at this time:

Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. (Joshua 21 vs. 45)

Please pray for:

  • A new pastor to work with the leadership team
  • Revival and increase for God’s Church in Bacton
  • A new worship leader

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