Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin for October 2017. We hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with news from around the region and events that are happening.
‘Freedom Sunday’: Take part in an annual day of worship and action against human trafficking. Freedom Sunday is a day for global faith communities to stand together in prayer and take action to put an end to this horrendous crime. Join people around the world on 15th October. A resource pack for church services can be found at www.freedomsundayglobal.org
Does your church struggle to provide music for worship on Sundays? 4 October 2017, 8pm. Harlow Baptist Church. The idea is to help you see what might be possible and appropriate for your church, and Tony will seek to demonstrate some of the options. To book please email: tony@amayesinggrace.me.uk or phone: 01279 442642.
Transform 47: The latest edition of the Baptists together finance, tax and legal guidance for church leaders and deacons has been uploaded to the Resource Library at: www.baptist.org.uk/transform47
Safeguarding Training: Combined Level 2 and Level 3 Training
14 October 2017, Braintree Baptist Church
Fully Booked: 25 November 2017, Lighthouse Community Church, Sheringham
2018 dates are being organised if you would like to be considered as a host please contact EBA Secretary, Hayley.
Each session begins with Level 2 at 9.30am and will finish at 12.45pm those doing Level 3 bring their own lunch and Level 3 begins at 1.30pm and ends at 4.30pm. You can opt to do one or the other but it is advisable to have completed Level 2 before doing Level 3. Spaces are limited according to size of venue so we do suggest early booking wherever possible.
There is a charge of £10 per person or £40 per church if 4 or more people from one church attend. This is payable in advance by BACS or by cheque payable to the EBA. To reserve places on any of these events please contact Hayley Beckett.
Ministers Retreat Day 10am -3pm: 17 November 2017. It is our pleasure to offer the opportunity of a retreat day for ministers, facilitated by Revd Lynsey Heslegrave at The school room Woodham Ferrers. Cost £10 places are limited so booking is essential. Please book with EBA Secretary, Hayley.
EBA Ministers Conference 2018: 19-21 February. High Leigh Conference Centre. Booking forms will be out in the autumn term.
Mission where you are: For the first time, BMS is offering its mission training for Mission Where You Are. Our experienced cross-cultural trainers, personnel and international partners will challenge your thinking, resource your imagination and energise your engagement in mission. Cost per weekend: £150 (full board) Find out more information on the course here www.bmsworldmission.org/missionwhereyouare. To book a place, email: LGWILT@bmsworldmission.org
Genr8 Children’s worker training
7 October, 7.30-9.30pm. How do we engage with children on their walk with God?
17 October, 7.30-9.30pm. What challenges do children’s workers face?
Peter Lupson: Thank God for football: 7th October 2017, 7:30pm £2 per person, London Road Baptist Church, Lowestoft.
12 premier league football clubs were started by churches, including the likes of Man City, Liverpool and Spurs. Join us for an evening with Peter Lupson, author of ‘Thank God for football’ as he unpacks how and why local churches set up these clubs, how they evolved into the clubs they are today, and the role Christians play in the professional footballing world today.
A questioning of Faith developing our theology in a changing world: 8 October 3-6.30pm, Leigh Road Baptist Church
Leading with Emotional Maturity: Insights from Family Systems: 9-12 October 2017, Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, presented by Bridge Builders. For more information please visit the Bridge Builders website www.bbministires.org.uk
Does the devil wear Prada?: 12 October 2017, 7.30pm, Avenue Baptist Church, Southend-on-Sea. An evening on body image, spirituality and fashion with Revd Joanna Jepson, an Anglian priest, author, broadcaster and former chaplain at London college of fashion.
Faith in Public Leadership Conference: 14 October 2017, Pier Avenue Baptist Church, Clacton. A day hosted by the Evangelical Alliance. The day is free, please bring your own lunch. Please book with the church office. (01255 474391)
Parenting teenagers: 16 October 2017, 7.30-9pm Romford Baptist Church. An evening taking an honest look at the topics we find uncomfortable, giving parents the confidence to influence their children in every area of their lives. Hosted by Richard Shorter, www.nonperfectdad.co.uk
Growing churches forum: 8-9 November 2017, Stafford. Is your church experiencing growth as expressed here in the Baptist Times then this conference may be for you? Contact Alex Drew at WEBA on 01179 658828
Making Fruitful Disciples: 11 November 2017, 9.30am-5pm £25 Barnwell Baptist Church, Cambridge. Facilitated by Freedom in Christ. Recommended for anyone planning to run the Freedom in Christ discipleship course. More information can be found at www.ficm.org.uk
Small is Beautiful (rescheduled): 18th November 2017, 10am-3pm, Fulmerston Church, Thetford. This is a mini conference for the modern heroes of church life – the organisers, regular members and leaders of tiny village churches, small urban housing estate fellowships and little gatherings of Christians who are faithfully meeting across the eastern region. For more information and to book your ticket(s) [£10 each, but discounts available if a group come from your church] go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/small-is-beautiful-tickets-34229325835
Football outreach training day: 18 November 2017. 10am -4pm £5. Wimpole Road Methodist Church, Colchester. A day focusing on using football as an outreach tool will include practical sessions to book contact Daniel Layzell 07739 124021
Cambourne Church Administrator (Job-Share) Maternity Cover: Part–time 12.5 hours to be worked over Monday, Tuesday, Friday. Salary £10.15/hr, (Annualised £6,597.50) – Fixed Term Contract for more details email martin.lee@cambournechurch.org.uk
Christmas Hope: Comedian and actor Miranda Hart, Sky Sports and former Blue Peter presenter Simon Thomas, and toy store entrepreneur Gary Grant are among those featured in the 2017 Christmas HOPE magazine. This top quality, glossy give-away magazine is specially written to help you and your church this Christmas as you invite guests to seasonal events in your church. There’s a feature linking with the Christmas Journey resources and there are testimonies from Christians involved in some of the tragedies which left the country reeling in Manchester, Westminster and Grenfell Tower. For just the cost of post and packing Hope UK will supply free copies of Christmas HOPE, if you agree to distribute them door to door in your area. If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of producing the magazines, that would be great. Email Sue Jennens to order your copies. Place your order soon, as the stocks of these free copies are limited. Last year 100.000 were snapped up within a couple of weeks.
2nd October 2018
30th August 2018
27th June 2018