Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. October 2018 News Regional Minister Induction The induction of Revd Graeme Ross as Eastern Baptist Association Regional Minister will happen at 2pm on 20 October at Orchard Baptist Church, Colchester. The service will be followed by tea and cakes. It would great to see as many of our churches represented as possible. Equipped to Minister (Lay ministry training) Starting September, Hosted by Histon Baptist Church for more details or…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. September 2018 News Thank you from Simon Simon has asked that we pass on a huge Thank you for the gift he received from the churches of the EBA as he left his Regional Ministry post at the end of July. He was overwhelmed at the generosity of you all. Regional Minister Induction The induction of Revd Graeme Ross as Eastern Baptist Association Regional Minister will happen on…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. July 2018 News Retired Minister 100th Birthday Ray Bolton a retired minister living with the EBA and an active member of Ramsden Bellhouse Baptist Church, celebrated his 100th Birthday on 27th June. I hope you join me in wishing Ray a very happy birthday. Wave of Prayer Details of venues and times that you can join with others in praying for our association, local churches and local areas can be…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. June 2018 News We are seeking to appoint a Regional Minister Following the announcement of Simon moving on to a new ministry the EBA are seeking to appoint a new Regional Minister. Full details of the role, person specification and an application form can be found on the EBA website. https://www.easternbaptist.org.uk/news/we-are-seeking-to-appoint-a-regional-minister/ Closing Date 3 June 2018 Wave of Prayer (initial idea shared at the minister’s conference) Details for the Wave…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. February 2018 News Safeguarding New Level 1: Excellence in Safeguarding material is now available. Featuring a family-friendly film which outlines key messages for church members and visitors alike. Children’s material and a Church Meeting version also available. https://www.baptist.org.uk/Groups/220884/Safe_to_Grow.aspx Transform – the informative publication from BUGB about money, tax and legal issues The latest Transform, is now available on the Baptists Together website. It is within the Transform section of the…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. January 2018 News Potential Fraud alert Baptists together have alerted us to a potential fraud risk that he been reported over the last month. Asking churches to make payments to Baptist Together or Associations urgently- these emails look like they come from a legitimate source and have led churches to make payments. If you receive an email asking for urgent or immediate payment from Baptist Together or EBA this is…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. December 2017 News Baptist Pension Roadshow Webinar on 8th December at 1pm Through the autumn we have been running Pension Roadshows for churches that are members of the Baptist Pension Scheme Defined Benefits (DB) Scheme. If you haven’t been able to attend we are running a Webinar on 8th December at 1pm. Save this link to join http://ow.ly/B8lk30gBbKf Baptist Assembly Stewards 12 May 2018, Peterborough Each year Baptist Assembly are…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin. I hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with News from around the region and events that are happening. November 2017 News BMS World Mission Thank you! We’re so grateful to our volunteers and 24:7 Partners for the time, energy, and prayers that you dedicate to the work of BMS World Mission. As a way to express our thanks, we’ve organised a BMS Café on Saturday 18 November at 12:30pm to 3.40pm, at Histon Baptist Church in Cambridge. This will be an opportunity to come together in fellowship, prayer, and hear some of the latest…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e- bulletin for October 2017. We hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with news from around the region and events that are happening. News ‘Freedom Sunday’: Take part in an annual day of worship and action against human trafficking. Freedom Sunday is a day for global faith communities to stand together in prayer and take action to put an end to this horrendous crime. Join people around the world on 15th October. A resource pack for church services can be found at www.freedomsundayglobal.org Does your church struggle to provide music…
Welcome to the EBA monthly e-bulletin for September. We hope you find this helpful in being kept up to date with news from around the region and events that are happening. News Induction of Revd Beth Powney as Regional Minister Team Leader: 2 September 2017, 2.00pm, Godmanchester Baptist Church. A separate email has been sent to very church about this event. Please email Hayley, EBA Secretary if you know you are coming. Pension Roadshows: 16 September 9.30am Witard Road Baptist Church, Norwich. Being run by the Employers Group of the Baptist Ministers Pension Scheme. If you have questions are queries then you…