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Home » Events » Listening For A Change: A Workshop with Rich Shorter looking at ‘Motivational Interviewing’

Listening For A Change: A Workshop with Rich Shorter looking at ‘Motivational Interviewing’

The way to turn difficult conversations into action and discipleship 

As ministers, 1:1 conversations are a core part of our work. During this workshop, we will look at insightful, impacting and practical ways to support conversations in making progress and change.

This training will help provide tools which will:

  • Support conversations which contain are hard or contain conflict
  • Enable people to make kingdom changes in their discipleship
  • Help reduce the ministers’ stress when having difficult conversations.
  • Enable people to take ownership of actions which they need to take.
  • Give hope for change in ‘stuck’ conversations.
  • Improve a minister’s ability to offer high-quality pastoral conversations.
  • Helps us to respond to those ‘difficult emails’.

The day will be led by Rev Richard Shorter. He will be sharing how tools and insight from Motivational interviewing can be highly useful to the church minster. Richard uses this training in high-performance sports environments such as Manchester city.

Richard Says, ” A number of years ago I discovered ‘Motivational Interviewing” in the high-pressure world of elite sports. I was immediately struck by the way that these tools could be useful for church ministers. The impact Motivational Interviewing has had on my pastoral skills (and stress levels) has been significant. I was challenged that as ministers we get very little support on how to develop good practice in 1:1 and small group conversations. I’m excited to share how these tools help disciple people and help them navigate the more challenging moments in life.

The day will be held at Light of Life Baptist Church.

You can arrive from 9:30am for a 10am start and the day will finish by 3:30pm.

Refreshments will be provided, but people will need to bring their own lunch.

This training is free to attend, but if attendees or their churches would like to make a donation to offset the costs of the day then this would be appreciated.

Please book in with EBA Secretary.

Richard Shorter is a Baptist minister based in Upminster. Has served in Baptist churches for the last 21 years in a number of different roles and contexts. To enable him to church plant he started a small business which now supports better conversations between parents, coaches and elite athletes. Find out more at

Date / Time: 2nd May, 2024 10:00am
Arrive from 9.30am for a 10am start. The workshop will finish at 3.30pm.


Light of Life Baptist Church
North Road
Ormesby St Margaret
NR29 3RS

Cost: Free
External website:
Contact: Hayley Beckett

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