Fresh Streams believe the Lord has been leading them to make a fresh call to pray and fast, intentionally crying out to God together. We want to be a people hungry for God, coming together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom: a Word and Spirit encounter with God that leads to engagement with the world.
There will be several venues for people to gather to pray across the Baptist Union on 21 September as a part of this.
Why fast?
It’s biblical. It creates more time to focus on God. It is a temporary laying aside of our physical needs to indicate our spiritual priorities.
(N.B. Hot and cold drinks will be available.)
Who is it for?
Fresh Streams is a network of church leaders. We believe that churches need leaders who are hungry for God! So more focused on leaders and leadership teams, who are very much welcome to join us.
What can you expect?
Coffee, tea and fruit drinks. Opportunity to connect with others. Worship. Prayer for churches in our region. Prophetic prayer for one another. Prayer for the ministry and vision of Fresh Streams.
We would love for you and your leadership team(s) to join us. Just complete this signup form or contact us for more information:
Date / Time: 21st September, 2023 10:00amAddress:
Colchester Road Baptist Church