(All BUGB treasurers have a block membership of ACAT)
As part of ACAT’s commitment to regional training for church treasurers, we are bringing our popular ACAT Foundation Course to St Neots, Cambs, in June and you are warmly invited to attend.
St Neots Evangelical Church, Cambridge Street, ST NEOTS PE19 1PL on Saturday 23 June 2018
The Course will cover:
• The Role of the Treasurer
• Legal & Financial Overview
• Principles of Charity Accounting
• Gift Aid and GASDS
• Year-end Routines
Whether you are new to the role or have been in post for many years, you will find something in the course to benefit you. The cost is £45 and includes all course material, refreshments and a buffet lunch. Registration will be from 9.30 am onwards for a prompt start at 10.00 am and the course will finish by 4.00 pm. Please book early to secure your place if you wish to attend. Both members and non-members of ACAT are warmly welcome at this event.
To book a place in ST NEOTS visit our website: www.acat.uk.com/stneotsfound.html You can book instantly online using Paypal or a credit/debit card, or print out a postal booking form to send with a cheque.
Date / Time: 23rd June, 2018 9:30amAddress:
External website: