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A Questioning Faith

Southend Area Baptist Network invite you to A Questioning Faith that seeks to develop our theology in a changing world: asking how what we believe connects to what we see around us.

Workshops over 2 sessions including:

+ The Refugee Blessing:: Finding God in the Exodus
The global migration of refugees is having considerable impact on the UK and Europe. Media reports often negatively portray the ‘Refugee Crisis’ and its impact on society. This seminar will ask: how is our worldview shaped by the media? How can Christianity nurture our response to refugees? Can the migration of refugees be viewed as a blessing? And where is God in the exodus?

Led by Juliet Kilpin
An activist, Baptist minister and co-founder of Peaceful Borders, an informal collaboration of grass-roots peacemakers responding to the ‘refugee crisis’, particularly in Calais.

+ Business as Mission: Finding Mission Opportunities through Business and Making Mission Sustainable
Social enterprise is a powerful way for God to bring transformation to individual lives and neighbourhoods. Come and explore what it might mean to run a business-as-mission: the things that work well and the challenges to overcome. Explore the practical and theological problems you may face, the models you could use and the results you might seek. You will hear faith-building stories of transformation created by a local Southend church and stories from other Christian social enterprises.

Led by Ivan King & Emma J Nash
Ivan is one of the ministers at Church from Scratch, which founded Shared Space Westcliff, a successful self-financing Christian enterprise. He is also a consultant in business management and has been a lecturer at two university business schools.

Emma is one of the ministers at Leigh Road Baptist Church which runs the Oasis The Coffee House. Oasis is a mission enterprise which seeks to build community, practise justice and share faith through hospitality and – importantly – great coffee.

+ Cultivating Patience and Courage: How Christians Can Approach Questions of Sexuality
This seminar will look at four different views Christians take on same sex relationships. It will look at the strengths and weaknesses of each view. It will suggest that because we have different views we need to find courage and patience that we might ways to welcome, bless and witness to the reconciling power of the gospel.

Led by Andy Goodliff
Andy is the minister of BelleVueBaptistChurch, Southend. Andy co-wrote ‘The Courage to be Baptist: A Statement on Baptist Ecclesiology and Human Sexuality’ which can be read at:

+ Modern Slavery: The Church, our Response and a Case Study from Ella’s Home
Modern slavery through forced labour has been evident in Essex at car washes, paving driveways, vegetable picking, domestic servitude, nail bars and sexual exploitation. This seminar will explore forms of modern slavery and question what the Church’s response could be? A case study will be offered from Ella’s Home, aftercare provider for women who have experienced trafficking and/or sexual exploitation.

Led by Emily Chalke and Dan Pratt
Emily is the founder and Project Manager at Ella’s Home. Ella’s Home works with women who have experienced trafficking and exploitation, providing long- term aftercare, including accommodation, and outreach support across London.

Dan is the Anti-Slavery Co-ordinator for the Eastern Baptist Association UK and aims to stimulate local community responses against modern slavery. Dan’s doctoral research explores liberation theologies within contexts of oppression.

Date / Time: 8th October, 2017 3:00pm
Finishes at 6:30pm


Leigh Road Baptist Church
Marguerite Drive

Cost: Free! A retiring offering may be taken.
External website: Visit this website for more details
Contact: David Elcock
Telephone: 01702 478698

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